Task-based dialogue systems for language learning
Doctoral research project at KU Leuven, funded by a SENESCYT scholarship (Ecuador)
Doctoral research project at KU Leuven, in collaboration with UCLouvain.
Funded by a SENESCYT scholarship (Ecuador).
Focused on the design and evaluation of task-based dialogue systems (chatbots, conversational agents…) for language learning.
Researcher: Serge Bibauw.
Supervisors: Piet Desmet (itec, KU Leuven) and Thomas François (CENTAL/TeAMM, UCLouvain)
The doctoral research project resulted in a series of conference talks, including an early report in the proceedings of EUROCALL 2015 (Bibauw et al., 2015), and a series of more important publications, among others a research synthesis published in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (Bibauw et al., 2019), a meta-analysis published in Language Learning & Technology (Bibauw et al., 2022) and a handbook chapter in the Routledge Handbook of SLA and Technology (Bibauw et al., 2022). The thesis itself was defended in June 2022 (Bibauw, 2022).
- Learning with Conversational AI: Design and effectiveness of dialogue-based computer-assisted language learningDoctoral disseration, KU Leuven, 2022