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Dialogue-based CALL

Dialogue-based CALL systems involve

See Bibauw, François & Desmet, 2015 and 2019 for a full discussion.


Formulas for effect size calculation, on a single “raw” metric (aligned to between-groups effects) across experimental designs, from Morris & DeShon (2002):

\[d\_{ \text{PP} } = J ( df\_{\text{PP}} ) \left( \frac { M\_{ \text{post,E} } - M\_{ \text{pre,E} } } { \mathit{SD}\_{ \text{pre,E}} } \right)\] \[d\_{\text{ECPP}} = J (df\_{\text{ECPP}}) \left(\frac{M\_{\text{post,E}}-M\_{\text{pre,E}}}{\mathit{SD}\_{\text{pre,E}}}-\frac{M\_{\text{post,C}}-M\_{\text{pre,C}}}{\mathit{SD}\_{\text{pre,C}}}\right)\]

In previous Equations, we use Hedges’ $J$ as a correction function for small sample size bias (the original formula rather than the commonly used approximation) in order to obtain a more accurate estimate of the effect size (Hedges & Olkin, 1985):

\[J(df)=\frac{\Gamma{\left(df/2\right)}}{\sqrt{df/2}\ \Gamma{\left[\left(df-1\right)/2\right]}}\]

where $df$ corresponds to the degrees of freedom, calculated from the subsample sizes ($n$) in each study as $df_{\text{PP}}=n_{\text{E}}-1$ and $df_{\text{ECPP}}=n_{\text{E}}-1 + n_{\text{C}}-1$.

Multilevel meta-analysis modeling

Level Number of clusters/items Source of variance
Subjects $k=96$ ($n=804$) Random sampling variance
Effect sizes $k=96$ Variation within study
Studies $k_{studies}=17$ Variation between studies

All computations were done in R, with the metafor package, using the function (Viechtbauer, 2010):, vi, data = dataset, random = ~1|Paper/Effect)

See Van den Noortgate, López-López, Marín-Martínez & Sánchez-Meca (2013) for a discussion of multilevel modeling in meta-analyses.


Mean effect of use of dialogue-based CALL for L2 development: $d = .61$ (95% CI: $[.373, .831]$).

Moderator analyses

Significant moderators:

Many interesting exploratory results needing to be confirmed in future research.
